Atlantis 器材以使用時的操作流暢度高見稱,使用 Atlantis 訓練時可以完美被體驗到其堅固及穩定的表現,令訓練者得到更到位的肌肉感受。
Atlantis 專注力量訓練,品牌旗下共12個系列發展不同的力量訓練項目,是行內力量訓練器材種類最全面的品牌之一。
高質素的器材、一流的訓練使用體驗、最專業及專門化的產品開發,成就Atlantis 器材的領導地位。
Atlantis 最受歡迎產品
所有 Atlantis 產品,均接受本店 0%免息分期選擇。
Your Gym in a Box
The Exerfly Portable is a lightweight and robust piece of equipment for flywheel training, offering ultimate flexibility, portability and accessibility without compromising on quality.
Easily transportable, the Exerfly Portable has a removable top that can be attached to any vertical structure to train horizontal and vertical movements. It also features an optional sensor that monitors your progress for effortless accountability.
Your all-in-one training solution
The Exerfly Platform is a stable multi-use flywheel training platform, built for everything from strength and conditioning to rehabilitation, with a unique Platform Bench and Double-Pulley System for added versatility.
Adaptable and efficient, the Platform allows users to perform an unlimited range of exercises in a compact space. From elite athletes and sports teams to rehabilitation clients, the Exerfly Platform is truly an all-around, one-stop solution.
Recreate movements direction
The Exerfly Rack Mount is the perfect tool for training horizontal and rotational movements. Easily attached to any squat rack, the Rack-Mount is especially beneficial for shoulder, arm or torso exercises that involve twisting or rotational movements.
With the optional Rack-Mount Slider, you can quickly slide the Rack-Mount up and down the squat rack for less time between exercises and more time under tension.
今日起至2022年3月9日,於 THE LEAPER 網站內預訂 EXERFLY PORTABLE 或 XEBEX AirPlus Expert Bike 可享優惠 8折優惠。